Relay Logic
What Is Relay Logic?
Relay logic consists of relays wired together in a particular configuration to perform the desired switching operations. Relay Logic is all about wiring up Relays for Logical Switching applications. Get a printout of this page
Relay Logic
Relay Logic Samples
This page demonstrates several simple ways to wire a relay or multiple relays for various applications. We use the example of switching a light but the light can be swapped for a gate control, security system, dry contact output and other devices. These examples show different ways to wire to a relay or multiple relays to produce a desired effect.Get a printout of this page
SPDT Wiring

SPST Wiring
SPST Single Pole Single Throw Relays have two connections - Common and Normally Open. The Common (COM) is the moving part of the relay that comes in contact with the Normally Open (NO) when the coil to the relay is energized. The only SPST relay we sell on this site is the 30-Amp relays, The wiring examples below can be used with the 30-Amp relays as long as the example doesn't use the Normally Closed position.DPDT Wiring

Relay Logic Examples

Example 1 - Simple Off/On
This example demonstrates how a relay can be used to activate a light bulb. When the relay turns on, the light comes on. Only one power wire is switched with this example using the COM (common) and NO (normally open) connections of a relay. This is the simplest of the examples, switching a light in this example or any device on when the relay is energized.
Example 2 - Simple On/Off
This example demonstrates how a relay can be used to turn a light bulb OFF. When the relay is energized the light turns off, when the relay is off the light will be ON. Only one power wire is switched in this sample using the COM (common) and NC (normally closed) connections of a relay. Not commonly used but great for applications where the device is on most of the time so the relay doesn't have to be energized to to keep the device on. Power cycling a device can be a typical use for this wiring, when the relay turns on the device is powered off.Example 3 - 2 Relays to Activate

MirC/MirX Users: Two contact closure inputs in the sender board required to control a device. Use this wiring when you require two outputs to close before you switch the relay.
Example 4 - 3 Relays to Activate

Example 5 - Override Function

MirC/MirX Users: Add a manual button or switch to control the third relay to manually control the light if you have sensors that control the other relays.
Reactor Users: Add a manual button or switch to control the third relay to manually control the light if you have sensors that control the other relays.
Example 6 - Either Relay Activates

MirC/MirX Users: Two contact closure inputs in the sender board and either of the inputs can control one light or device.
Example 7 - 3-Way Switch

Example 8 - Motor Control

- Relay 1 Off Relay 2 Off = Motor Brake to +
- Relay 1 On Relay 2 Off = Motor Forward
- Relay 1 Off Relay 2 On = Motor Backward
- Relay 1 On Relay 2 On = Motor Brake to -
- Induction Capacitor Should Be located by relay
- Filter Capacitor Should be Located Near Motor
- Additional Capacitors May be Desirable for Some Motors
Inductive loads typically require 2-3 times the runtime voltage or amperage when power is first applied to the device. For instance, a motor rate at 5 Amps, 125 VAC will often require 10-15 amps just to get the shaft of the motor in motion. Once in motion, the the motor may consume no more than 5 amps. When driving these types of loads, choose a relay that exceeds the initial requirement of the motor. In this case, a 20-30 Amp relay should be used for best relay life.