Base Station Software
Base Station Software
Base Station Software is our reference tool for designing and testing all currently manufactured NCD Devices. Base Station will assist you in learning how any NCD device functions and will provide valuable diagnostic tools to help determine if your controller is functioning as designed. Base Station software exercises every supported feature of every supported device. Base Station Software was designed to help you learn the ProXR command set. Explore ProXR features using our Graphical User Interface. Watch data bytes flow to and from the board, so you easily understand the command execution process. There is no faster or easier way to learn how to automate than Base Station, it is designed to work with our complete array of communication modules, including Wireless, Ethernet, USB, RS-232, and more. You only need a Windows 8 or 10 Computer to Run Base Station, no other relay control board even comes close to offering this type of software!- OVERVIEW
- Key Fob Setup
- AD8 Command Set
- Taralist Setup
- Reactor Setup
- Base Station
- ProXR Config
- Data Sheets
Base Station Compatible Boards
- All R1x/R2x Series Controllers
- All R4x/R8xPro Series Controllers
- All ProXR/ProXR Lite Series Controllers
- All KFX Key Fob Boards
- All Reactor Series Controllers
- All Taralist Series (Generation 1 and 2)
- All PWM8x Series Controllers
- Fusion Series Controllers

Base Station Configuration
Key Fob Modules are configured using the Free Base Station Software. The GUI interface makes it easy to configure toggle and momentary commands, timers, grouping and flashing commands! Download Base Station
Base Station Key Fob Configuration
Key Fob Configuration
The KFX Receiver Module is configured using Base Station Software (a free download), and must be plugged into the ZIGMO Configuration Board only during configuration. Only one ZIGMO is needed regardless of the number of KFX Receivers you intend to use. The ZIGMO acts as an interface between your computer and the KFX Receiver, allowing you to define the Baud Rate, and Data Bytes that are transmitted for each Key Fob button Press. The ZIGMO is included with the KFX Integration Kit and available at checkout.Free Setup Software

Module Setup
The Configuration Kit acts as an interface between your computer and the KFX Receiver, allowing you to define the commands that are transmitted for each key fob button press and release. The KFX Receiver Module is configured using Base Station Software, and will be plugged into the Key Fob Configuration Kit only during configuration. Only one Configuration Kit is needed regardless of the number of KFX Receivers you intend to use.Configuring the Buttons

Common Commands
Here's a brief list of some of the more common commands used when a button is pushed on the key fob.- Toggle and Momentary Commands
- Turn Off All Relays Then Turn On a Specific Relay
- Relay Timers: Relay Energized for a Specific Time
- Relay Pulse Commands
- Relay Grouping: Controlling Multiple Relays Together
- Relay Flashing Commands
KFX Module
This board is equipped with a KFX Module. The KFX communications module adds key fob capabilities to the board. The KFX module is powered from the board. The board itself will require 12 volts of power and can be hard wired or you can purchase a "wall wart" type Power Supply at checkout.
Data Sheets & Quick Start Guides
AD8 Command Set
A/D Inputs can accept a voltage from 0 to 5VDC. You should NEVER exceed this voltage range! You can find the complete AD8 Command Set in the AD8 Quick Start Guide.
The AD8 Command Set
Reading Switches/Variable Resistance Signals
This board is equipped with 8-Channels of 8/10-Bit Analog to Digital Converters, capable of reading analog voltages from 0 to 5 Volts DC. The ADCs on this controller allow monitoring of external sensors or contact closure input detection. Connect external temperature sensors, light sensors, current sensors, buttons, switches, or anything else that generates a 0-5VDC analog or contact closure output. With 8-bit resolution, analog inputs will convert 0-5 Volt signals into a value from 0 to 255. With 10-bit resolution, values of 0 to 1023 may be measured. Input resolution is software selected. Simply ask the controller for the analog value of each input, and the controller instantly responds.
Analog Inputs Controlling Relays
ProXR AD8 controllers allow you to map analog inputs for direct control of on-board relays. Inputs can be configured to flash relays, turn relays on or off, toggle the relay state, send push notification data, and much more.Analog to Digital Connections
AD8 Series controllers allow users to monitor sensors and switches. A/D inputs should never be left floating, which simply means all inputs MUST connect to something (such as a voltage or ground). To prevent inputs from floating, a 10K Resistor connects each input to +5 or Ground using the pull up/down jumper. While this 10K resistor does slightly interfere with the signal, its benefits far outweigh the consequences of leaving inputs floating.AD8 Command Set

10BitValue = (MSB*256)+LSB 'Converts 2 Bytes into a Value from 0 to 1023
Reads the 8-Bit Analog Input of Channels
This command will read the Analog Input of Channels 1-8 and return an 8-bit value for each.Send Bytes: | Byte 1: | Byte 2: |
Function: | Command | Parameter (Channel 1-8) |
Decimal Values: | 254 | 150-157 |
Hex Values | 0xFE | 0x96 - 0x9D |
Receive Byte: | Decimal: | 0-255 |
Hex: | 0x00-0xFF |
Full Command Set
These are only a few examples from the AD8 Command Set so you can get an idea of the command structure. Download the AD Quick Start Guide to view the full command set AD Quick Start Guide.Base Station
Base Station will allow you to read the inputs and will even show you the commands being sent from Base Station so you can use them in your own programming.Relay Activator
Relay Activator and Analog Inputs

Relay Activator for Manual Control
Relay Activator is great for applications where computer control is used but manual control is necessary at times. Buttons or switches can be used to take manual control of any of the relays. You will have the ability to turn a relay on with a computer and turn the relay off with the manual switch! Download the Relay Activator Quick Start Guide here: in the AD8 Relay Activator Quick Start Guide.N-Button Software
Create Desktop Meters

Visit our N-Button Page
Base Station Software
Taralist boards are configured using the Free Base Station Software. The GUI interface makes it easy to configure simple automation tasks with a point and click interface! Configure time schedules and upload to the board and take manual control of relays. Download Base Station
Base Station Taralist Setup
Base Station Software
Base Station software works by communicating with your controller to identify the model and provides the appropriate graphical user interface for setting the time schedule and uploading it to the board. Base Station Software is used to configure and upload the time schedules to the Board and take manual control of the board to override the time schedule.Download Base Station
Integrated Real Time Clock

Time Schedule Events
Events are scheduled times when a relay or group of relays are turned on or off. They are defined by the user first by time: Year, Month, Day of Month, Day of week, Hour, Minute, and Second. You have the ability of switching relays on or off at very specific times! Activate relays only when the day is Monday, activate relays when the day is Monday and the Year is 2020, activate relays when the day is Monday, the year is 2020 at 9:44:21 AM. They are also defined by how they control the relays, whether they turn a relay or group of relays on or off. You can add up to 1000 Events to the list.Program Multiple Schedules

Daylight Savings Time is also supported, and is FULLY CUSTOMIZEABLE. As we all know, DST laws change periodically, but the Taralist series allow you to change the year and date of all DST events (we have programmed the US dates until 2030).
Save You Schedules
Taralist controllers allow you to build and save your time schedule as a file on your computer. Different schedules can be configured for different times of the year, for instance one for Summer School and one for the full school year. Upload the schedule you need for that part of the year. For users with multiple boards saved schedules can also be used to store the time schedule into each controller easily without re configuring.Defining Time

Clock Accuracy - Adjustable Time Compensation
Like most clocks, time drift is a reality and the Taralist controller will drift over time. The Taralist clock has some special features to help keep the time accurate. Time compensation functions are included that allow you to automatically adjust the clock forward or back (by up to 15 seconds) each day of the week. For instance, you may find the Taralist keeps better time if it automatically advances the clock 1 second each day of the week. Or you may find that you need to subtract 5 seconds from the clock 1 day per week. Adjustable time compensation will help keep your clock accurate (though it is always a good idea to check on the clock periodically).
If your application requires your relay control to match a computer's time exactly we recommend using a computer controlled Relay and Relay Timer Software. The software can be installed on a computer or server and match the time exactly. We recommend this for school bells and shift change applications where matching a time clock is vital. Select a Wired or Wireless Relay under Relay Control from the top menu to select a board then add the Relay Timer Software at checkout.
Computer Control

The interface elements shown at right allow a computer to take over control of any relay and force the relays to a On or Off state. You may also turn all relays on or off using the all relays on and all relays off buttons. You can also read the status of relays by clicking the Read Relay 1-8 Status. The Status of the relay will be shown to the right of the button. The slider at the top of the screen allows you to select with bank of relays these commands are directed to. You may attach up to 32 banks or 256 Relays.
Power Loss Backup Buffer
The Midnight Backup Buffer is a special feature developed to help keep track of which relays should be activated in the event power is lost. Every night at midnight, the current status of all relays is stored in non-volatile memory. If power is lost, the Taralist will load the status of the relays from memory. Next, the Taralist will calculate all events from midnight to the current time to determine if any relays need to be activated or deactivated. Finally, the Taralist will refresh all relays and will be ready for normal operation.Base Station Configuration
Reactor boards are configured using the Free Base Station Software. The GUI interface makes it easy to configure simple automation tasks with a point and click interface! Download Base Station
Base Station Reactor Configuration
Base Station Software
Base Station will assist you in learning how this device functions and is the ultimate reference tool for configuring, testing and controlling this device. Base Station software supports every feature of this device - no other controller manufacturer even comes close to offering this type of software. Base Station works by communicating with your controller to identify the model and provides the appropriate graphical user interface for setting up and testing the identified device. All Reactor configurations will be made through Base Station and an overview will be discussed below. To help you get started and learn this controller Quick Start Guides are available for just about every feature. As you discover a feature in Base Station a link is provided where you can easily download the Quick Start Guide. Download Base StationeConfigure Each Input
The Reactor Relay allows users to define the activation of a relay or an event based on the voltage readings of the analog inputs. An input can trigger a relay directly or an input can trigger an
Using Input Values

Reading from Left to right, the settings above indicate Input 1 will trigger a relay when Analog Input 1 is above 200. We have defined that a relay will turn on when the input level is defined by a value of 200.

In the above example, a relay is triggered when an analog input is inside a set range between 100 and 202. By defining two limits, you can further narrow the parameters for the activation of a relay. The limits can also be assigned to set the relay to be activated outside two set limits.
Output Configuration

There are many ways to directly control a relay from an input. Relays 1-5 in the below example shows how inputs can turn relays on, off, toggle relay state, set the relay to match the state of the input, or set the relay to NOT equal the state of a input.
In the example below, Relay 6 is controlled by Timer 1. In other words, if Timer 1 is active, the relay will stay ON. Otherwise, the relay will turn off. This is a great way to activate a light for a given period of time. If you are interested in Time Delay Relay, timers will be discussed on our Time Delay Relay Page.
Complex Automation through Experimentation
Dont be afraid to experiment with Reactor! Some complex automation can be achieved by experimenting with Reactor settings. Of course Reactor is capable of triggering relays and it can also trigger events. Relays can be associated with events, allowing you to play with all kinds of complex timing and counting settings. Events greatly expand the pallet of functionality available to Reactor.Computer Controlled Relays
Software developers who need remote access to a Reactor controller will find themselves at home.  The Reactor supports a very powerful computer-based command set, so it is possible for a computer to operate the relays and read sensor inputs.  The computer can over-ride the Reactor decision logic, trigger events, and return control of the relays back to the Reactor Logic. Configuration settings are stored in files that can be loaded into other Reactor controllers.Many More Options
We have just touched on the many ways the Reactor board can be configured. The applications that this board can be use in are extensive. For a more detailed look at the configuration and setup you can look at the Reactor Series Quick Start Guide.Reactor Video
Base Station
Base Station software supports every feature on any ProXR board - no other controller manufacturer even comes close to offering this type of software. Download Base Station.
Base Station Software
Compatible with All Boards on this Site
Base Station software works by communicating with your controller to identify the model and provides the appropriate graphical user interface for controlling and testing the identified device. Base Station will assist you in learning how any NCD device functions and will provide valuable diagnostic tools to help determine if your controller is functioning as designed. Base Station software exercises every supported feature of every supported device. It is the ultimate reference tool for learning, diagnosing, and testing NCD devices.User Interface

Device Identification
A window will open labeled "Device Identification Data". This window contains important "Read-Only" information about your device. Note the "Documentation Related to this Controller" field. This is a compilation of all articles relevant to your device. Click on an item in the list to view. You will need an Internet connection to access this information. All devices released in 2012 and later support Device Identification.Device Command Sets

Control All ProXR Functions
Control relays, read status of relays, read inputs all from the ProXR boards and perform all functions of the baord. Base Station is a point-and-click software that will also show you the command that is being sent to the board, making Base Station a great tool for programmers!Useful Features
There are some useful features to look for when using Base Station Software to control, test, or configure your device:- Links to Quick Start Guides and Documentation
- Discovers Newtork devices and displays IP Address for easy connection
- Control Command Set Window (circled in red), ProXR users can view commands sent to the board
Relay Activator
Relay Activator and Analog Inputs

Relay Activator for Manual Control
Relay Activator is great for applications where computer control is used but manual control is necessary at times. Buttons or switches can be used to take manual control of any of the relays. You will have the ability to turn a relay on with a computer and turn the relay off with the manual switch! Relay Activator is only available in all ProXR Lite versions and ProXR boards with part numbers begining with ZAD. Download the Relay Activator Quick Start Guide here: in the AD8 Relay Activator Quick Start Guide.Reactor Users
Reactor Events Settings

TaraList Users
TaraList Setup

Device Configuration

Supported Devices
Not all devices support Device Configuration. All Devices released in 2012 and later support Device Configuration. Some configuration settings will affect device communication timing, which can render a device too fast for the chosen interface. If you ever lose communications with your controller, power down the controller, set the Program/Run jumper to the Program Position and power up the device. Attempt Communication at 57.6K or 115.2K Baud. If problems persist, install a ZUSB communications module to recover device settings.Configuration and Run Modes
All NCD controllers have two modes of operation: Configuration mode and Run mode. Normally, the controller should always be in RUN mode. Use Configuration mode if you want to make changes to the settings of the controller. Configuration mode is a temporary mode. Configuration mode allows you to write parameters to the controllers for changing device settings. Run mode does not allow accidental changes to configuration parameters. On-board memory is protected from write operations in Run mode.
So far, the concept of Configuration and Run mode is pretty simple. But there are special rules about the use of these modes that must be followed to prevent loss of communications. Most notably, changing the baud rate or any of the UART settings can cause a loss of communications. This is where the hardware Configuration/Run jumper comes into play. When the jumper is set to Configuration mode and the controller is powered up, the controller will always load safe communication settings so you can recover communications with the device.
Software Configuration Mode
Software Configuration Mode allows you to send a command to put the controller in Configuration mode for up to 255 seconds. This is extremely useful if you need to make changes to the controller from a remote location. If you change the baud rate settings, our Base software will attempt to Re-Sync to the device. This is effective most of the time, but occasionally, you may need to exit and re-run Base software.If you make changes to any parameters while in software configuration mode, the controller will not respond to these changes until the Reboot command is issued. Our software automatically issues the Reboot command at the appropriate times, allowing you to make changes without ever touching the device. However, configuration settings can lead to a loss of communications, so if you intend to make changes to communication parameters, make sure the Configuration/Run jumper is accessible in case you need to boot up the controller in Safe mode of 57.6K or 115.2K Baud.