8-Channel Relay Timer Software

Control Relay by Time Schedule
Relay Timer R8X is a programmable timer software to control relays according to a time schedule. The software can be installed on a computer or server and will get it's time from there. For applications where the time schedule must match the computer's time this is a perfect choice. Shift changes, school bells and such can match a time clock installed on the same computer.
8-Channel Relay Timer Software
Relay Timer R8X at a Glance
- Controls 8 Relays
- Use any ProXR or ProXR Lite Board - Control Relay with Time Schedule
- Easily Set Time Schedule
- Multiple Schedule Settings
- Settings for Reoccurring Times
- Save Schedule to Computer - Manually Take Control of Relays
- Override Schedule at any Time
- Turn Relay On/Off Manually
- Automatically Switch Back to Auto Mode
Compatible with ProXR & ProXR Lite Boards

Control Relays Using Computer's Clock
Relay Timer gets it time from the computer's clock so the time will be accurate and will not drift. If you have another application running on the same computer the time will match exactly, such as a time clock. The software the high resolution timer that the same timer used in multimedia applications which can get resolution of 5 to 10 milliseconds. That makes a big difference for real time applications and accuracy.Control relay in recurrent time sequence
Thanks to protocol of ProXR & ProXR Lite boards it is possible to update 8 relays at one time. If speed is a requirement it only take about 30 ms to update 8 relays. In multiple relay applications Relay Timer calculates all relays’ status together, even though each of them work separately.Take Manual Control
You can take manual control of any relay at any time to interrupt the schedule and control a relay. Automatically switch back to Auto Mode and resume the schedule manually or set a fixed time to return to the schedule.Reliability
As an application that controls hardware, it has to be reliable. There are many factors effect reliability, the connection could be broken, power failure, the computer could crash. It is easy to create software that run perfect under perfect conditions. However, real world conditions is what Relay Timer was developed to handle. The software has to have a way to handle abnormal conditions and return to normal operation when the problem has been resolved with little effort. Relay Timer does this!Power Failure or Connection Loss
If there is a power failure, lost connection or board doesn’t respond, Relay Timer will report the error on the interface and continue to update the status of relays. Users will know the software cannot communicate with the board and can troubleshoot the issue. When connection is reestablished Relay Timer updates the relay status both when there is change in status, and at the specific time interval. The interval is generally set to 2 to 5 seconds, which means, if there is a power failure, or lost connection, the status of relay will be recovered in seconds. Relay Timer determines where in the schedule it is and what the status of the relay should be bringing you back to normal operation within of seconds.Relay Timer Videos
Time Travel

Make Time Run Faster
Time Travel can override the current computer clock with any time value! It can change the running speed of the computer clock. If the speed is set as 3600 times, a day will pass just in 24 seconds!Great for Bench Testing
Time Travel is a handy tool for testing applications based on the computer's clock, like timer software, schedule software, or automation software. Time Travel provides you a very fast way to test the Relay Timer, Quick Timer and N-Button Software we offer.Preset configurations
Time Travel has a load preset function, where a list of configurations can be loaded into the program for the convenience of the user. Users can also create a preset within the program and export the list for future uses. Time Travel will remember the settings from the previous run time and load it upon its start. The program does not need to be configured each time it is being used. Time Travel will also automatically reset the system time back to the current local time after exiting the program. It will only affect the system time during its run time, and it will not change time setting after exiting the program.How to Use

- Current Running Speed will change the running speed of the computer clock
- Set Time button will change the computer clock to the specified time
- Resume From Last Shutdown Time button will restart from the last shut down time. It is the computer time, not real time. In case the computer shutdown accidentally, it will remember the last running computer time
- Sync with Real Time button will change the computer clock to the Real Time. Only if Current Running Speed is 1, the computer clock will run the same speed as the Real Time
Time Travel Video
Time Travel Software

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Quick Start Guides
Below is the Software Tutorial for the Relay Timer R8X.